Do not adjust your screen!  That reddish pink glow is the fascinating world of hydroponics and Earth911TV has all the red hot details on this exciting indoor food production concept.

Watch as we interview Food 3.0 at Earth Day Texas.  According to the project ‘Our planet desperately needs new, more sustainable agricultural technologies that provide very high productivity but require very low input.’ Therefore, the project is focused on;

  • Eliminating food production losses
  • Reducing non-renewable inputs
  • Optimizing plants for low-input production

In a nutshell, Food 3.0 is championing hydroponics in order to produce food closer to areas of population.  What does mean for you? Fresher food and less waste in the process.  Ready to try hydroponics yourself?   We encourage you to take #SmallSteps in YOUR life!   After watching this episode, check out our coverage of hydroponics.

The trick is starting small and growing from there. How are you making sure you know where your food comes from?

For great ideas on recycling check out the following articles and guides:

Past Episodes:

By Luria Petrucci

Luria hosts both Earth911TV and GeeksLife. You can find her at the intersections of fun, green living, technology and the geeky lifestyle. She enjoys learning alongside you on how to make life better, easier, greener and more efficient!