Before you can become truly green and environmentally responsible, you must first recognize the power of the surrounding environment. The value of the earth and its resources isn’t immediately clear to most people, especially if you live in a big city where emissions and pollution seem to be the status quo.

Bad habits can be changed, however. By practicing some mindful principles, you can develop an environmental appreciation and find your inner peace.

1. Spend Time in Nature

Want to think about the power of nature? Spend time in it. Go on hikes, walk around the countryside, go kayaking — it doesn’t matter what you do in nature, as long as you embrace it. The more time spent enjoying outdoor activities, the more you’ll want to preserve these beautiful areas.

2. Practice Yoga

Yoga can help you be more mindful if you do it right. As you explore the physical limits of your body and tune out of electronics and modern-day conveniences, you can ponder what’s really important.

If you’re ready to be more mindful, a yoga retreat can help you step away from modern conveniences and get you started on your journey. It’s easier to get involved when you have an expert showing you the ropes and helping you understand how to get the most out of your sessions.

3. Meditate Regularly

Like yoga, meditation can help you become one with your mind and the environment. When you’re upset by problems like climate change, meditation can help you achieve some inner peace and serenity so that you have the energy to tackle those issues without feeling overwhelmed. Overall, you’ll be less stressed and develop a more holistic attitude toward life.

4. Use Mindfulness Tools

A mindfulness tool is basically a reminder to stay focused on something important. In this case, it can remind you of environmental needs. For example, a plant on your office desk or a bamboo bracelet could prompt you to preserve resources and do your part to reduce waste.

Another great mindfulness tool is a journal. Recording your thoughts regarding sustainable and eco-friendly practices, as well as your progress in those areas, can help you stay focused.

5. Consider the Complexity of Life

If you think about it, all living things are inherently interwoven with each other and the planet. Bacteria both inside and outside our bodies allow us to function properly or damages our ability to do so. We eat what Mother Nature provides. We use natural resources to create. We create life and then teach children how to live.

The interwoven nature of biology makes it impossible for any living organism to live independently. Recognizing this can change your world view for the better.

6. Tune in to Modern-Day Issues

Know what’s going on in politics and other news involving green living. Figure out your opinion on each issue. As you think critically about the world and its living beings, you’ll naturally develop an interest in creating a more sustainable place to live.

7. Be More Grateful

Mindfulness encompasses an entire attitude change. It’s about being selfless and working toward the greater good, which you’ll have a hard time doing if you’re focused on negatives that affect you alone.

Instead, be grateful for what you have. Think of at least five things you’re grateful for each day. Don’t forget to include things from nature. When you see how much you have, you’ll want to give back and make the world a better place.

Feature image courtesy of Shutterstock

Read More:
5 No-Fail Solutions to Get Started Going Green
Mommy Greenest’s Yoga Must-Haves
Keep Calm and Relax On: 4 Tips for Planning Your Staycation

By Anna Johansson

Anna is a freelance writer, researcher and business consultant. A columnist for, and more, Anna loves enjoying the great outdoors with her family. Follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn.