ByLuria Petrucci

Sep 17, 2015

There are up to 12 million car seats sold every year! One of the major contributors to this number is that as your child grows, so too do your car seat needs – which will happen several times as your little one grows (into a not-so-little one). Opting initially for a ‘convertible’ car seat is one way to minimize the number of car seat products your need over the course of this life stage.

Aside from that, there are things you can do to recycle, reuse or even upcycle your old car seat!  Check out this episode of Earth911TV to learn how.

Check to see if there’s a car seat recycling program in your city.

If there isn’t one, you can break it down into the different plastic, metal and fabric parts and recycle normally.

Your car seat can have a second life, either with another family, or another purpose altogether. If you pass you old car seat on to someone else, you need to make sure it’s still safe. Like milk in your fridge, car seats have an expiration date. This is because the materials in the seat can degrade over time, lessening the protection provided. Things like sun beating down through a window can really shorten the life of some materials. And like the milk, most car seats have an expiration date printed right on them. If you can’t find one, six years is a good rule of thumb. Also, if a car seat has ever been in an accident, it should be considered at the end of its life. A single collision can greatly reduce the safety qualities of the seat.

Or, you can upcycle your car seat! It could be a pet bed, a garden planter, a comfy chair for your kid to watch a movie… your creativity is the limit!

What #SmallSteps are YOU taking at home? Leave a comment below!
For great ideas on recycling check out the following articles and guides:

Past Episodes:

By Luria Petrucci

Luria hosts both Earth911TV and GeeksLife. You can find her at the intersections of fun, green living, technology and the geeky lifestyle. She enjoys learning alongside you on how to make life better, easier, greener and more efficient!